McIntosh Apples

McIntosh ApplesWe just got in a gorgeous crate of McIntosh Apples—the quintessential fall fruit. Grab some while they are still in the store!

McIntosh Apples have vivid red skin that is brushed with bright green, and an exceptionally juicy flesh that is bright white in color. They have a strong sweet-tart taste with nuances of spice. Delicious!

McIntosh apples are great eaten raw as snacks. And they cook up beautifully. Add slices to a tart, chop them up in stuffing, or puree a little to add sweetness to soup.

Because the flesh of the McIntosh apple is delicate, it will breakdown when cooked. Pair McIntosh Apples with other dense apples such as Granny Smith, Rome, or Fuji for pie fillings or slow-cooked sauces and chutney. And diced McIntosh will add sweetness and moisture to cakes, breads and cookies.

Their slightly spicy flavor and juiciness makes them a perfect apple for juice and cider. MacIntosh Apple flavor pairs well with maple, pecans, celery, pork, blackberries, cherries, cinnamon, nutmeg and flavorful cheeses such as feta, gorgonzola and sharp cheddar.

The McIntosh is the national apple of Canada. In the 20th century it became the most popular cultivar in Eastern Canada and New England.

John McIntosh discovered the original McIntosh sapling on his farm in Upper Canada in 1811. So, he and his wife bred it, and the family started grafting the tree and selling the fruit.

Try them in this classic comfort food, Sausage and Apples.

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