Mocha Pound Cake

Mocha Pound CakeLet Them Eat Cake
There you sit. You have your turkey and gravy. You have your stuffing and your mountain of mashed potatoes. The cranberry sauce sings its siren song to you from the middle of the table. Your mouth is watering in anticipation of the feeding frenzy that is about to commence. (Step aside Joey Chestnut.)

The little voice inside your head reminds you to save room for dessert. But, you know that dessert consists mainly of pies. You are not really a fan of pumpkin pie or any kind of pie. The accompanying vanilla ice cream is always good but lacks a certain wow factor. What do you do? Leave room for the ice cream or go big on the yams?

To me, the Thanksgiving feast isn’t complete unless there is a pecan pie at the end of it. Some have the same intense feelings towards pumpkin pie. For my dad, it’s a mince pie. One of my relatives, though, is the ice cream guy. The reason? He just doesn’t like pie. Any pie. (I know. Freak of nature.) It got me thinking about what would be an appropriate cake for Thanksgiving.

My daughter suggested a carrot cake which makes a lot of sense given the spices. But, she was adamant that there be no raisins. (There is a serious raisin aversion amongst my children). I figured anything harvest-y would work well. A spicy cake with hazelnut frosting is very autumnal, or even this Apple Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting would be lovely.

But, what about getting away from the flavors of pumpkin and other pies? You could just go crazy with a double chocolate cake. You can never go wrong with a chocolate cake. This Mocha Pound Cake recipe works particularly well for a couple of reasons. It is a bundt cake which makes it easy especially when oven space is at a premium. And, it contains coffee which is always necessary to battle the snoozies after you have stuffed yourself…

Mocha Pound Cake Recipe
Adapted from King Arthur Baking Read more…

Better Than Bouillon

Better Than BouillonAs we are heading into cooler weather, there is nothing better than the big flavors of cooked-all-day taste in your favorite meals. That’s where Better Than Bouillon comes in. It is a paste, a base, a flavor enhancer, a kitchen shortcut, and a secret seasoning. This is bouillon in a jar you Read more…

Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple Cider

Martinelli's Sparkling Apple CiderFresh-Picked Flavor!
We all know that Martinelli‘s Sparkling Apple Cider is great for celebrations. That’s why it practically flies off our shelves around the holidays.

Martinelli’s uses a blend of United States-grown, fresh apples of the finest varieties—including the flavorful Newtown Pippin Read more…

Stuffed Cinderella Pumpkin

Stuffed Cinderella PumpkinOther
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word Thanksgiving? If I had to guess, most people would say a turkey (followed very quickly by pie). It would make sense. Thanksgiving is the one holiday where everyone eats the same stuff…right?

Yes, turkey is what’s expected for your Thanksgiving feast. But, what if you don’t like turkey? I have a number of friends who are not fans of the majestic bird—either because of the flavor or the fact that it can dry out and feel like you’re eating sawdust. Plenty more can’t fit one in their oven. Most of those people choose to go with something different like a beautiful prime rib or a spiral cut ham. Either of these will please a crowd and screams of celebration.

That being said, presentation is everything. There is something about the drama of bringing a turkey or other roast to the table to carve that reminds you that this is not your typical Thursday dinner. I have thought about this a lot and I have always felt disappointment on behalf of vegetarians that they don’t always get to feel that excitement. Now, not being a vegetarian myself, I could be totally off the mark here. And, there are any number of ways to make an entrance with a vegetarian entrée. I would love to hear what those options might be.

In the meantime, I think this recipe for a Stuffed Cinderella Pumpkin would fit that bill and make a fantastic entrance while still having all the drama and ceremony of a traditional carving.

If you have seen the cover of the November issue of Food & Wine you know what I am talking about. This Greens and Cheese Stuffed Pumpkin is gorgeous and would even work well as a fantastic side if you use a smaller pumpkin….

Stuffed Cinderella Pumpkin
Adapted from Anna Theoktisto for Food and Wine Magazine
Yields 8 Servings Read more…