Celery Root-Apple Slaw with Pecorino, Parsley, and Pine Nuts

Celery Root Apple Slaw croppedSeeds of Change

I’m restless and bored. It happens every year. It’s a vicious cycle. This time of year the produce available is less than exciting and, to add insult to injury, my seed catalogs start arriving in my mailbox.

Note to self: You should never look at a seed catalog when all you have been eating non stop for the past few months is cabbage, root veggies and squash. It’s kinda like the rule that says you should never go to the grocery store hungry. You’re going to come home with way more than you need—not to mention a few things that you will never eat.

My Burpee seed catalog has so many flagged seeds and plants that it has a fringe. Really? Do I need 14 different types of tomatoes? My color-deprived palate says yes. The husband? Not so much. And lets not forget the current rain situation, and the fact that I am not farming commercially. Space is actually an issue. (Though I could start my own CSA…hmmmmmm.)

Needless to say I have been on the hunt for something to brighten up the winter produce blahs and, I think I found it in the February-March edition of Fine Cooking magazine. They have a spread on winter slaws, and they are all gorgeous. There is a Fennel Slaw with Grapefruit, Cracked Pepper and Pistachios that looks way too pretty to eat.

My personal fav is the Celery Root-Apple Slaw with Pecorino, Parsley and Pine Nuts. It’s perfect with a simple Roast Chicken which, for us, is a weekly staple.

Hopefully, these options will help brighten up your plates until the coming of peas, asparagus, fava beans, and cherries. Let the countdown begin, and pray for rain!
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Classic Roast Beef and Gravy

*King George
My husband is one of the unfortunate few who was born on Christmas Day. Though he doesn’t see it as any big deal now that he is an adult (and the adult part is debatable), as a kid he said it was a drag. Because I find myself strangely miffed on behalf of my adolescent husband, after all the presents are opened Christmas morning we quickly turn our thoughts from Ho Ho Ho to Happy Birthday.

With birthday honors come responsibilities, though, and each year it is his responsibility to decide what we will have for dinner that Christmas-Birthday evening. Over the years, I have made some crazy stuff based on the whims of the Birthday Boy’s palette. We had a crab feed once. There was also a Birthday Paella. A few years ago I roasted a goose (I don’t think we’ll do that one again). I have also made Rack of Lamb a number of times, as it is one of his favorites.

This year, we’re going easy and classic due the fact that we are both just too tired to deal. The menu for his 45th is Classic Roast Beef and Gravy, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and Sautéed Mushrooms with a salad thrown in to combat the cholesterol and butter. And then there’s the wine…

A really good roast beef is very easy to make. They key is to cook it low and slow, and not mess with it to much. Rub it with salt and pepper and maybe some chopped fresh herbs, and you’re good. Shove it in the oven and walk away. Comeback a few hours later and dinner is served. Any leftovers you have make a great sandwich for lunch the next day.

Here is my all time favorite recipe for roast beef from Cooks Country Magazine. It includes a mushroom gravy but I only make that occasionally…if I’m in the mood.  Read more…

Carrot Soufflé

Carrot SouffléGrandfather Christmas

One of my favorite things about the Holidays are the traditions. We all have things we do each year to celebrate Christmas or Hannukah or even New Years Eve and Day.

In my family we have quite a few. I’ve written about Ebleskiever, and it wouldn’t be Christmas without warm Gingie Cookies. One of my favorites though has nothing to do with food. Well, it kinda does. Sort of.

My Grandfather (Dad’s Dad), was one of those people who would really put a lot of thought into a gift. As a kid, I didn’t really get it, but as I grew older I understood and appreciated his presents more. One of my favorite, were the porcelain figures that he bought from Phair’s (There’s a blast from the past!), and attached to our Christmas gifts. Each one was hand-selected to match our personalities. Mine was a duck in Victorian dress. Dad’s was a bear with a three piece suit and glasses with a newspaper under his arm. My sister’s was a cat, I think, also in Victorian dress. In later years the porcelain was replaced by another set of figures with Venetian masks a la the Three Musketeers. My mother used these figures on the table for Christmas morning and Christmas Dinner as place markers for seating.

Now that Christmas morning has migrated to my sister’s house, we no longer use the figurines. But my sister’s wooden Musketeers make an appearance, and it always reminds us of him.

As far as I know, my mother still has all of the porcelain figures safely (I hope) tucked in a box. I have my Musketeer, and it is my favorite ornament for our tree. Every year he goes up, and every year I tell my kids “This was a gift I got from Gumpa”.

Our menu for Christmas Dinner is always the same (yet another tradition!), and it was one Gumpa’s favorites. The menu remains sliced BBQ Chateaubriand, Barley and Pine Nut Pilaf, and Carrot Soufflé. Below is the Carrot Soufflé recipe. It’s easy, elegant and tasty with roasted meats.  Read more…

Holiday Cocktails

Calvados Hot ToddyThanks for the Giving

This week is the busiest week of the year for us here at the store. It is also my favorite. This is the week, despite the craziness and stress, neighbors stop to greet each other in front of the stuffing mix to ask them how their family is doing and to wish them Happy Thanksgiving. This is the week where long-time customers and even a few new ones reach across or around the counter to hug our employees and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. And of course, the sentiment is returned.

This is the week that while we are preparing for our meals with our family, we all take a minute to give thanks for the extended family we meet in our daily lives. It is the very definition of neighborhood and community, and it is a really great thing.

To all our friends, customers, employees and neighbors, we would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and a very merry holiday season!

To help with the merry, try one of these tasty concoctions guaranteed to keep you warm when it’s cold outside, baby…  Read more…