Pecan Bars

Pecan BarsBelly up to the (Pecan) Bar
When life gets crazy, I bake. Others run or lift weights, but I self-medicate with cookies. This may not be the healthiest way to deal with life’s little curve balls, but the comfort is worth a thousand push-ups.

When this Barefoot Contessa recipe for pecan bars popped up on my Facebook feed, I knew I had to try them. I love pecans and anything with pecans—sweet or savory. Alas, the climate and soil of the East Bay are not optimal for a pecan tree, or I would have planted one within five minutes of moving in to our house.

With so much going on this month, I haven’t had time to make something for the fun of it…much less feed my family. So this recipe had been sitting on my try this pile taunting me. The perfect opportunity came last weekend for my sister’s impromptu gathering. After a stressful week, it was nice to get together as a family and relax…while yelling at the Cal game on TV.

The bars are good and I love that she uses honey instead of corn syrup. Not only does the honey give the pecan bars a more floral flavor, it’s just better for you. Plus, the addition of orange zest is delicious.

When I make them next time, I have a few tweaks. I would half the recipe (this makes way too many), and use regular butter instead of unsalted for both the crust and the filling. I like my pecan bars with a little more salt. Of course you could just sprinkle the cooling bars with some good-quality sea salt for a salted caramel feel. That would be darn tasty too!

Pecan Bars
Adapted from Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa
(Makes 20 large squares) Read more…

Baked Apple Dumplings

Baked Apple DumplingsFall Like Weather?
It’s about two minutes past the start of September, and in my mind, once Labor Day has come and gone, it’s Fall. That’s the kind of fly by the seat of my pants rebel that I am. Forget the thousands of years of science and astronomy. If the calendar says September 9th then it must be time for long sleeve shirts, flannel sheets, apples and pumpkins…unless you live here on the face of the sun where it will reach 102 degrees today.

Perhaps the heat has fried my brain, but pumpkin spice lattes and turning the oven on for a little Fall baking sounds like a great idea. The thought of apples and caramel and pecans and pumpkins has me going a little nuts.

There are so many fall baking ideas right now in the magazines and online that I am having a hard time choosing which ones to make. It’s safe to say I will be getting to all of them eventually…

What I have been seeing a lot are apple dumplings. I am a sucker for anything that involves apples, pastry, butter, and cinnamon so these are a no-brainer. This recipe adapted from Cooks Country is the bomb!

Baked Apple Dumplings
Serves 8

Read more…

Granola Bar Cookies

Granola Bar CookiesCookie Monster
I have never found a cookie that I didn’t like. Seriously. I can’t think of one cookie I have tasted that I spit out in disgust. I like ‘em sweet, I like ‘em chocolaty, I like ‘em oatmeal-y.  I even like the British biscuits that are filled with currants. (Full disclosure: I am not a big fan of any anise-flavored cookie. I will eat it, because no cookie should be left behind, but I will not seek them out.)

I am not the worst cookie addict in my household, that honor goes to my beloved. But, because we all have cookie self-control issues, I try to limit the cookies we have in the house—we’ll just eat them. Every once in a while I go Cookie Monster postal because Me Want Cookie!!!

That happened last weekend. I found myself with leftover ingredients from other dishes, so I immediately went for the Granola Bar Cookies recipe below. I have seen many versions of and “All In” cookie recipe. This one I adapted from The Pioneer Woman website where they are called Everything Cookies. I have also seen them called Kitchen Sink Cookies. I call them Darn Tasty, and a good substitute for a granola bar in your lunch. They’re also great for breakfast when you gotta get out the door…but don’t tell my kids that!

This makes a lot of Granola Bar Cookies depending on the size. I usually freeze half of the dough. Play around with the add-ins: you can use chocolate chips, rice crispies or whatever you have on hand that sounds good…

Granola Bar Cookies
Serves: 36  Read more…

Easy Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream (No-Churn)

Vietnamese Coffee Ice CreamWhat’s the Buzz?

I have a love-hate relationship with coffee: I love it, but it doesn’t love me. I have cut my coffee intake back to just one cup in the morning, but it’s a constant struggle. I love the flavor. I love the ritual of a steaming hot cup in the morning and in the afternoon—sometimes you just need that giant latte to get through. The struggle is real folks.

Iced Vietnamese coffee is a favorite guilty pleasure that I don’t indulge in very often, but I love it. (It’s the condensed milk that makes it good but not good for you.) I will have it occasionally when we have Vietnamese for lunch, because I just can’t resist. I’m wired when I get back to my desk, but boy am I productive. So when I saw this recipe I knew I just had to try it. (Especially because my favorite ice cream is anything that starts with a coffee base. Shocking, ain’t it?)

I have one of those old-fashioned, crank ice cream makers—it’s one of my most favorit-est things. However, I like the fact that I don’t need to use it to make this treat. I used the French Market coffee that we carry in the store. The chicory ads a little oomph to the coffee flavor! Feel free to substitute your favorite espresso grounds too…

Easy Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream (No-Churn)
A quick and easy, no-churn ice cream, inspired by Vietnamese Iced Coffee. It’s creamy, sweet and uses sweetened condensed milk. Read more…