Avocado Gelato

Avocado GelatoBrain Freeze

For at least a month I’ve had ice cream on the brain. The world of ice cream has just become SO interesting. The flavors available are much more creative. Honey Lavender anyone? Candied Kumquat? People are taking the art of ice cream to a whole new level. The funny thing is, I seem to be on some sort of ice cream carnival ride because interesting ice cream just keeps popping up in my life when I least expect it.

My recent ice cream odessy started when I discovered these really yummy ice cream bars at our local Hispanic grocery store. Every time I am in that store, after picking up some of the world’s freshest tortillas, I buy a few. (You know, for the kids. wink, wink.) They are Mexican Paletas made out of super fresh and all natural ingredients. The flavors range from Strawberries and Cream to Guava and Tamarind. Not to mention Spicy Mango and Corn. Totally refreshing and a great treat.

At a recent Cookbook Club Dinner, we were treated to some fabulous Avocado Ice Cream made by the same company as the ice cream bars. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Avocado Ice Cream? Hmmmmm. That’s kinda pushing the boundaries of the ice cream comfort zone. I am here to tell you it’s tasty. It’s really tasty. It’s creamy, sweet and so good on a hot day. Even my 9 year old loves it. He chose the Avocado flavor over the Mexican Chocolate. What kid passes up chocolate? Crazy…

The other day I found myself walking down the street with some time before an appointment, so I wandered around and did a little window shopping. I noticed a new creamery selling small batch artisan ice cream. I stepped inside to see what flavors they had. I was floored. While the traditional Vanilla and Chocolate was available, they also had a variety of interesting flavors that changed daily. My choice that evening was the Thai Iced Tea ice cream which was phenomenal. But, Thai Iced Tea? Huh?

Most recently at the store, we had the pleasure of tasting a new product that is made locally called Genuto. It is a dairy-free 100% nut-based “ice cream” and it is fantastic. As an unrepentant lover of fat and other things that are bad for me, I was super surprised at how good this was. You would never know that there was no cream in this. It’s totally nuts. Yes, pun intended. The Lemon Almond was my favorite.

I have been having so much fun on this adventure and I encourage you to go on an ice cream adventure of your own. Whether you make it or buy it, do yourself a flavor (ha ha ha) and seek out the unusual. You will be glad you did.  Read more…

Oriental Barbecued Ribs

BBQ RibsThe Fourth of July brings to mind many things. Freedom, of course. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, definitely. Fireworks, heck yeah. Food? You better believe it, Sister!

Fourth of July food means corn, potato salad, slaw, melon and ribs…always ribs. Well, at least for me.

In my family there are any number of ways to cook ribs. The Cherry Coke Ribs (See 6/27/12 post.) from last year are probably my favorite, but my grandmother’s Oriental Barbequed Ribs are a close second. We used to enjoy these during the summer for Sunday dinner with some Southern Spoonbread (addictive!), and some Chili Cheese Rice on the side (See Green Chili and Rice recipe from 4/24/2013.)

The original recipe came from Bon Appetit Magazine way back in the dark ages, which probably accounts for the name of the recipe. I remember my Mom’s copy written on a piece of folded, yellow, ruled, legal paper that lived in the back of her recipe box. God help us if anyone lost that paper!

The ribs are tasty, fall off the bone, and are a nice change from the usual “saucy” ribs. Make sure you marinade them overnight. It makes all the difference. And definitely save some of the marinade for basting while they are on the grill.

This year I will be spending my Fourth of July in a pool, because we are apparently now all living on the face of the sun, and will not be cooking the traditional festive meal. Instead I will make some 6th of July ribs to celebrate the weather’s return to “normal” after a week set at nuclear.

No matter what your food and party plans are this Thursday, I wish you all a very happy and cool Fourth of July!   Read more…

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet CakeThis Red Velvet Cake is adapted from the Sweet Southern Dreams article in Saveur Magazine’s March 2012 Issue. It’s dedicated to all you cake enthusiasts out there.

Red Velvet Cake
Although cream cheese frosting is typically used these days on red velvet cake, this frosting makes for a more balanced sweetness.   Read more…

Snow Cake

Mom's First Birthday Celebration

For us, May is the month of birthdays. It starts with the boys’ on the 12th, mine on the 14th, my daughter’s on the 17th, my father-in-law’s on the 19th and ends with my nephew’s on the 30th. That’s a lot of birthday cake!

My kids aren’t huge cake fans. They prefer ice cream cakes and pies. That doesn’t mean however, that if a cupcake magically appears in front of them, they won’t go all “Cookie Monster “on it. For this year’s kids party, in light of our recent trip to the islands, I made them my version of Hula Pie. It’s easy to make and so worth it. Full Disclaimer: Though it tastes awesome (the boys word, not mine), the Hula Pie will always taste that much better when eating it beachside in Hawaii. Here is the recipe from Hawaii Magazine.

Personally, I am a traditionalist when it comes to birthday cakes. I am less about how it looks, and more about how it tastes. Over the years, I have sampled a number of expensive, gorgeous cakes that were just so-so flavor wise. The cake must be moist, with a good crumb, and not a tough, poundcake-like creation. For my money, give me an old school layer cake, with lots of eggs and a real butter cream frosting. Just say no to lard. Fondant is evil. Last year, there was an article in Saveur Magazine about Southern Layer Cakes that I went “Koo-Koo for Cocoa Puffs” over. These are my kind of birthday cakes. Here is the Saveur article. If you get the urge to make one, try the lemon.

One of the most traditional, and for our family the most controversial, birthday cake is my Mother’s favorite: Coconut “Snow Cake”. My grandmother made it for my Mom every year when I was growing up. Mom was the only one who liked it. The rest of us would try a bite to be polite, but most of it was packed up for Mom to take home.

As a kid you look forward to your own birthday for obvious reasons, but if it is someone else’s birthday your interest starts and ends with the cake. Mom’s birthday was torture. Here was this beautiful monument of sugar and buttery goodness all frosted with fluffy white, and then Gam goes and commits a crime by putting shredded coconut all over it. Oh the humanity!

Now that I am an adult (debatable), my tastes have changed enough that I actually seek out anything made with coconut. I think I might give this infamous cake a try if only because it is really pretty when it’s all put together.

Photo: Mom on her first birthday.  Read more…