Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with Peanut Brittle and Milk Chocolate Pieces

Malted Vanilla Ice CreamScreaming for Ice Cream!
I love ice cream and I am not alone. Proof is my husband’s freakish, radar-like ability to locate what’s deliberately hidden from him in the depths of our freezer, and also by the incredible number of choices available in Piedmont Grocery’s freezer section. They’re staggering: Vanilla, Marble Fudge, Phish Food and even Lavender and Basil! While flavor trends change, one thing is for certain: when it’s hot outside there is nothing like that creamy, high-butterfat goodness.

Growing up, we used to go to my grandmother’s house for dinner every Sunday. As a kid, this drove me crazy because I wanted to stay with my friends. Now, as an adult, I look back on it fondly. Gammy was a great cook (as are all the women in my family), and she always had the cool cooking gadgets. Read more…

Stone Fruit Summer Salad

Stone Fruit Summer SaladWhen we have warm weather as we have had for the past few weeks, I find I tend to eat more salads and as we move closer to the Summer produce season the availability of more ingredients makes salad making that much more interesting.

The arrival of the Fitzgerald stone fruits in the store reminded me of this refreshing Summer salad from Joanne Weir’s More Cooking in the Wine Country. It’s great as a light lunch or as a side for just about everything.

Stone Fruit Summer Salad
Adapted from Joanne Weir’s More Cooking in Wine Country
Serves 6 Read more…