
ChimichurriMemorial Day is this weekend, the barbecue season officially starts, and lots of folks will be firing up the grill. We are big fans of BBQ in the Pence family: Texas Style, Memphis Style, Carolina Style, Teriyaki, Dry Rub, Wet Mop. It’s all good. My husband’s take on what constitutes great BBQ however is a bit off the beaten path.

After graduating from college, my better half spent several years in the Peace Corps in Uruguay where they take their BBQ seriously. Throughout Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil what we call BBQ they call Asado. For some, it is more than a traditional style of cooking; it is a religious experience. Add in the fact that some of the worlds best beef is comes from that region, and you have a recipe for some mind-blowingly good eatin’.

Asado is prepared on an open outdoor grill called a parilla. Grilling is one of the favorite events at family reunions, parties and other celebrations. And it will often include more than just the usual cuts of meat: from nose to tail and everything in between. My husband’s favorite? BBQ short ribs known as asado de tira.

As a rule, Uruguayan chefs in charge of the Asado prefer to maintain the integrity and the flavor of the meats they prepare, and refuse to place them in heavy sauces or marinades. Just salt and pepper baby! Once it’s off the grill though is when, in my mind, the good stuff happens. Can you say Chimmichurri?

You will find this condiment everywhere you find grilled meats in South America. Though the ingredients may change depending on locality, the basics will always be the same: olive oil, parsley and oregano. Chimmichurri has become somewhat trendy in recent years to the point that there are a number of bottled options available. Not all of them are good, and because of this most people are turned off by it. The best bottled Chimmichurri I have found is from Goucho Ranch and we carry it in our marinade section in front of the meat counter.

If you really want to know what Chimmichurri should taste like, try the recipe below. This one comes courtesy of the book Seven Fires: Grilling the Argentine Way by award winning Argentine chef Francis Mallman. If you want to make your grilling adventure even more authentic, try grilling one of the Estancia Uruguayan Rib eyes or New York steaks that we carry in our meat department.

No matter what you choose to grill or not grill, I wish you all a great Memorial Day and would like to send out a big THANK YOU to those who gave us the freedom to enjoy it!

Happy Memorial Day!   Read more…

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet CakeThis Red Velvet Cake is adapted from the Sweet Southern Dreams article in Saveur Magazine’s March 2012 Issue. It’s dedicated to all you cake enthusiasts out there.

Red Velvet Cake
Although cream cheese frosting is typically used these days on red velvet cake, this frosting makes for a more balanced sweetness.   Read more…

Snow Cake

Mom's First Birthday Celebration

For us, May is the month of birthdays. It starts with the boys’ on the 12th, mine on the 14th, my daughter’s on the 17th, my father-in-law’s on the 19th and ends with my nephew’s on the 30th. That’s a lot of birthday cake!

My kids aren’t huge cake fans. They prefer ice cream cakes and pies. That doesn’t mean however, that if a cupcake magically appears in front of them, they won’t go all “Cookie Monster “on it. For this year’s kids party, in light of our recent trip to the islands, I made them my version of Hula Pie. It’s easy to make and so worth it. Full Disclaimer: Though it tastes awesome (the boys word, not mine), the Hula Pie will always taste that much better when eating it beachside in Hawaii. Here is the recipe from Hawaii Magazine.

Personally, I am a traditionalist when it comes to birthday cakes. I am less about how it looks, and more about how it tastes. Over the years, I have sampled a number of expensive, gorgeous cakes that were just so-so flavor wise. The cake must be moist, with a good crumb, and not a tough, poundcake-like creation. For my money, give me an old school layer cake, with lots of eggs and a real butter cream frosting. Just say no to lard. Fondant is evil. Last year, there was an article in Saveur Magazine about Southern Layer Cakes that I went “Koo-Koo for Cocoa Puffs” over. These are my kind of birthday cakes. Here is the Saveur article. If you get the urge to make one, try the lemon.

One of the most traditional, and for our family the most controversial, birthday cake is my Mother’s favorite: Coconut “Snow Cake”. My grandmother made it for my Mom every year when I was growing up. Mom was the only one who liked it. The rest of us would try a bite to be polite, but most of it was packed up for Mom to take home.

As a kid you look forward to your own birthday for obvious reasons, but if it is someone else’s birthday your interest starts and ends with the cake. Mom’s birthday was torture. Here was this beautiful monument of sugar and buttery goodness all frosted with fluffy white, and then Gam goes and commits a crime by putting shredded coconut all over it. Oh the humanity!

Now that I am an adult (debatable), my tastes have changed enough that I actually seek out anything made with coconut. I think I might give this infamous cake a try if only because it is really pretty when it’s all put together.

Photo: Mom on her first birthday.  Read more…

Grilled Skirt Steak Tacos with Roasted Poblano Rajas

Grilled Skirt Steak Tacos with Roasted Poblano RajasGrilled Skirt Steak Tacos with Roasted Poblano Rajas
Adapted from Rick Bayless
Mexico One Plate At A Time

Makes 12 tacos | Serves 4 as a light meal

2 medium white onions, sliced into 1 h-inch rounds (keep the rounds intact for easy grilling)
3 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped
3 tablespoons fresh time juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1 pound beef skirt steak, trimmed of surface fat as well as the thin white membrane called “silverskin”
3 medium (about 9 ounces total) fresh poblano chiles
Vegetable or olive oil for brushing or spritzing the onions and meat
A small bowl full of lime wedges for serving
12 warm, fresh corn tortillas   Read more…