Beef & Guinness Stew

Happy St. Patrick's Day Beef and Guinness StewTen years ago I was lucky enough to travel in Ireland. I loved it: the people, the places, the pubs. Irish people know how to celebrate each day, and live life to it’s fullest.

When I travel, it is all about the food. (Who am I kidding? When is it not all about the food?) You learn a lot about people, their history, and their culture, by what they eat, while at the same time tasting things that you might not otherwise encounter. (I’ll tell you about the scary French dining experience in another post.) The first thing to come to mind about Ireland is usually not the cuisine. Beer and whiskey, yes. Food, no, unless it’s potatoes. I have to say while traveling around the Emerald Isle, we ate darn well. Extremely fresh lamb and fish, artisan Cheeses and tasty desserts were all readily available, and sometimes in the most unlikely places.

While doing the pub crawl in Dublin, I was determined to find a traditional Beef and Guinness stew or to die trying. My traveling companions and I had a difference of dining philosophies. I wanted traditional Irish meat and potatoes 24/7. They wanted vegetarian. Challenging to say the least. Strangely, I never did find my Beef and Guinness Stew, but I have cooked many versions of it since.

Here is one of my favorites adapted from Irish Traditional Cooking by Darina Allen. Try it instead of Corned Beef this St. Patrick’s Day. And if you ever get the chance, go eat your way through the green hills of Ireland. You’ll be glad you did.  Read more…

Stir-Fried Lettuce with Garlic Chili

Gung Hay Fat Choy
Every year to celebrate Chinese New Year, I get the itch to make my own Chinese food rather than order take-out. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I’m a pretty good cook. I can make just about anything that I come across with reasonable success. There are a couple of exceptions, and stir-frying is one.

Nothing is better than really fresh, really tasty Chinese food. But alas, it is not destined to come from my kitchen. I’m not sure what’s the problem. Any stir-frying I do is edible, but not great. I can roast the ducks, cook the soups, and even assemble and steam the dumplings, but I am sub-par at the stir-fry. My grandmother was amazing, so obviously it’s not genetic.

I realize that there are much bigger tragedies in the world, but this bugs me to no end. I am stubborn enough to not let it defeat me. I will master the Stir-Fry! In the mean time, my family will have to endure my trials and errors…

Below is a great recipe to help you ring in the Year of The Snake from one of the most well known names in Chinese cooking. May your efforts turn out better than mine!   Read more…

Smoked Duck and Andouille Gumbo

Laissez les bon temps roulez!

When it comes to parties, my sister really knows what she’s doing. While most of us are capable of decorating the house, having friends over and feeding them, my sister takes it to a whole ‘nother level. It is always a good time and the food is always excellent…and sometimes the cops show up.

There have been many memorable parties at my sister’s house but one of my favorites was the Mardi Gras party she had last year. There were beads, there were Hurricanes (and a few bodies on the couch), and there was gumbo. Really good gumbo.

With Mardi Gras once again upon us, I find myself thinking about that gumbo. A Lot… (And the Hurricanes, don’t forget the Hurricanes! Just keep it to one or two.) Here is the Smoked Duck and Andouille Gumbo recipe (below) If you have the time this weekend, try it. You can always pop the leftovers in the freezer for a fabulous midweek treat.  Read more…

Hoppin’ John

Hoppin' John RecipeNew Year’s Eve makes me feel old. When I was younger, there was always some party or concert to attend. My favorite was a Big Band night at Bimbo’s 365 during our swing dance phase. Nothing, however, can hold a candle to the James Bond themed New Year’s Party I had one year. It was EPIC and is still talked about in hushed and reverent tones. These days I’m happy to be home and in bed by 10. I know. Sad. BUT, being in bed early means I’m well rested for the New Year’s Day Bowl-Game-O-Rama…and the food. Don’t forget the food!

Below is a recipe for traditional New Years Eve Hoppin’ John which is said to bring luck in the new year. To all our customers, employees, friends and families we wish you a prosperous and Happy New Year!
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