Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Macaroons dipped in chocolateCookie Collection
This time of year is the season of constant dinner parties. In fact, I had a few friends over last night to talk about the upcoming baseball season and to eat drink and be merry. The food was great (and the wine was even better). But, having something sweet to end the meal and fuel the after-dinner conversation is essential. I have found that plates of assorted cookies are the perfect solution. The only challenge is coming up with a nice variety for the plate.

Some may say that forcing yourself to make a bunch of cookies isn’t a bad thing. And, it’s not. Though, having that many cookies lying around the house can be dangerous to your waistline!

It can be fun to come up with the perfect mix. Start with some ginger cookies. Add a few layer bars. Maybe chocolate crackle cookies. Definitely some shortbread. If you’re feeling crafty, make some stained glass cookies or some nutty rugelach. No matter what combination you decide to throw together, for me there almost always needs to be coconut macaroons on the plate.

I love coconut macaroons—and making them couldn’t be easier. Bonus! They are gluten-free for those friends who can’t eat gluten. I like to melt some bittersweet chocolate and either dip the macaroons or drizzle it on top for a little added holiday cheer.

Coconut Macaroons
Yields 20 to 22 cookies Read more…

Chocolate Ganache Truffles

Chocolate Ganache Truffels‘Tis The Season For Treats
I love this time of the holiday season. This is treat season. This is the time when I start planning what treats I am going to make to hand out to the people who mean a lot to me to thank them for services rendered or to thank them for just being a positive part of daily life.

So far my daughter and I have made our traditional Ginger Cookies.  (That first batch is always a sacred ceremony for everyone in my family.) Last weekend we made a batch of addictive and decadent caramels, a King Arthur Flour recipe, to hand out to a teacher who refers to them as holiday gold. We plan to continue the treat making this weekend with some more cookies. Shortbread? Check. Sugar cookies? Check? Gingerbread? Check. But I want to do something else a little special this year.

About 16 years ago I took a chocolate class to learn how to make truffles because I wanted to recreate the gorgeous treats that Joseph Schmidt was producing at that time. I quickly learned that tempering chocolate is no joke. It takes patience, and time, and passion for the art. While I had the passion, I was lacking in the other attributes. But, one of the recipes we made in that class is easy enough for anyone to do. I haven’t made many truffles since then. And, this year I wanted to make those basic ganache truffles. The biggest challenge was finding the recipe.

I have this drawer in my kitchen that holds all of my loose recipes that I have either printed off the internet or were part of a recipe packet from a class. I can’t tell you how many pages are in that drawer—but I can tell you that it is probably time to cull the heard. I can also tell you that the chocolate packet wasn’t in there and I sort of panicked because, after that many years, it’s not like I can call the place and get another one.

The elves took pity on me…I found it! My office is a revolving door of cookbooks and recipes. And, I happened across the chocolate packet while looking through a dessert binder I made after yet another cooking class. Yee Haw!

These truffles are so easy to make and you can choose to flavor them or not. (Adding a little espresso or Chambord liqueur can be a tasty thing)

Chocolate Ganache Truffles
Yields about 25 truffles Read more…

Roasted Sausage with Fennel and Blood Orange

Photo of sausages for the recipe Roasted Sausage with Fennel and Blood OrangeWhat to Cook After
If you are like me the thought of cooking anything after Thanksgiving sends you into two-year-old tantrum territory. Anything even remotely similar to turkey is a hard no-go. During this time the less prep you have to do to get a meal on the table, the better. This is when I turn to sausages.

Sausages are more than breakfast or game day fare. They can be a fast and elegant weeknight meal. My go-to recipe is this one for Sausage and Applesbut sometimes you want to switch things up.

There are plenty of sausage recipes out there. A quick search can pull up hundreds of different ideas. This particular one intrigues me because of the fennel and orange. I like to use blood oranges when they are in season and roasted fennel is always a good idea.

The best part of this recipe for Roasted Sausage with Fennel and Blood Orange is that all of this is prepared on one sheet pan, which after the deluge of turkey day dishes, is a great thing….

Roasted Sausage with Fennel and Blood Orange
Yields 4 servings  Read more…

Plenty to Be Thankful For

Plenty to Be Thankful ForIt’s been a rough few weeks here in California. And, Thanksgiving looks a little different this year for a lot of people. We’ve experienced some pretty dry times in years past and it seems we’re always hoping for drought relief. But, I have never seen so much excitement for rain on Thanksgiving Day as I have this past week…though, it does present its own set of problems.

I knew before the Camp Fire started that, due to unexpected circumstances, I would be hosting Thanksgiving this year. It is out of the norm of what we usually do. But, based on what was going on, it just made sense for me to host everyone at my place.

My husband’s family has lived in Chico since he was in high school, so for the past 18 years, we have gone over the river and through the woods to spend some time at Grandma’s there. I always love the drive up. We like to take the back roads through the valley of almond orchards and rice fields, to look at the leaves changing color on the trees and the occasional persimmon tree loaded down with brightly colored fruit. It always feels a little bit like traveling back to a simpler way of life and time. And, I am always thankful for the opportunity to slow things down for a bit.

If we are lucky during our stay in Chico, and schedules permit, our good friend will drive down from Paradise to meet us at the local diner for breakfast, or sometimes just a cup of coffee. It is an opportunity to catch up on a year’s worth of news and to rehash old memories—a meeting we look forward to every Thanksgiving. Sadly, we will not be able to get together this year. The Camp Fire took his house and everything in it. But, we are incredibly thankful that both he and his dogs are okay. Sadly, his is not the only story of complete loss. We have other friends who experienced the same loss of home. But, again, I am thankful for the community that has rallied around them and given them a place to land while they figure out the way forward.

I am fairly tired of the smoke and walking around in a mask and I know I am not alone. But, I am very aware that my discomfort is insignificant compared to others. I am beyond thankful for the blessings in my life. My family is safe. We have a roof over our heads. We have food to eat. We have clothes to wear. Everyone is healthy, or at least on the mend, and we will be able to gather together to enjoy a tasty meal and raise a glass in thanks that, at the very least, we have each other. And, that is more than enough.

From all of us at Piedmont Grocery, we would like to extend our thanks and to wish you and yours a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!

If you would like to help those affected by the fires, please consider donating to any of the following:  Read more…