Two Summer Tomato Recipes

Tomato, Peach, and Avocado BruschettaThe Ripe Time
Thanks to the recent hot weather, last night we ate the first garden fresh tomatoes of the season. There really is nothing like home grown tomatoes. Of course by the end of the summer I’ll be giving them to anyone and everyone who happens by—but at this point I am savoring the sweetness.

When our tomatoes start to ripen to the tune of one or two a day, I look for recipes that use them fresh, without much alteration. I want to taste the tomatoes, not hide their flavor under a heavy sauce or dressing.

More often than not, I will make some kind of bruschetta or open faced tomato sandwich. They are easy, and perfect for lunch or a light dinner. Add a little sliced fresh mozzarella and/or Prosciutto and you’re good to go. You could even add some good quality tuna in olive oil and some sliced hard boiled egg…whatever suits your fancy.

I found these two recipes on my new favorite blog, Love And Lemons. The first is a Tomato, Peach, and Avocado Bruschetta — tomatoes are at their best right now. The combined flavors are amazing.

The Eggplant and Squash Tian caught my eye because as the tomatoes are ripening, so are the summer squashes and zucchini. This is a great way to use both. I’m on the fence about the eggplant. Not one of my favorites but feel free to take the risk! Read more…

Two Summer Salads

Two Summer Salads: Cucumber Dill SaladIt’s A Toss Up!

As a general rule, I am not a salad kinda gal. You will almost never see me order a salad for a meal. There are some notable exceptions. On rare occasion, a Cobb Salad hits the spot.

It’s not that I have anything against salads. I don’t. I love veggies. I simply would rather have something else along with my salad. The salads I prepare are more of a side veggie than a bowl of leafy greens.

I have recently discovered two recipes that quickly became go-to favorites. They are easy and go well with Summer meals. I found this first recipe while researching Tyler Florence for this coming weekend’s cookbook club dinner, and it made it to the menu. It takes minutes to assemble and is perfect with the ripe avocados of the summer. Of course, anything with bacon works for me.

The second is for people who like pickles. That would be me. (I blame my Viking heritage.) However, here’s a way to enjoy fresh pickles without the two-week wait. I was looking for a recipe that would help me use up the cucumbers (that have been multiplying like rabbits in my garden) since I haven’t had time to make them into pickles. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s cooling and full of flavor and great with burgers or anything you want to throw on the grill. Read more…

Amy’s Spicy Slaw

Amy's Spicy SlawThe Long Arm Of The Slaw

I have never really been a huge fan of cabbage in any form. As I grow older I have found one exception: cole slaw. In my childhood, I wouldn’t get within ten feet of the stuff. But lately, I notice, I seek it out—if only to try the different versions that are becoming mainstream. Coleslaw is no longer the tri-colored sloppy-sweet mess I remember as a kid. There’s Asian Slaw, Apple Slaw, Jicama Slaw…and the list goes on.

One thing I note with my newly acquired taste—I prefer less sweet and more crunch. I also lean more toward the spicy, Asian versions which tend to use Napa cabbage rather than the typical green cabbage.

My favorite recipe for coleslaw is adapted from a number of different recipes. Throw in the ingredients I like, leave out the stuff I don’t, and TA-DA! We have a winner! I also add some Sriracha sauce because, just like bacon, everything is better with Sriracha sauce.

As we fast approach the official start of the BBQ season, I encourage you to give this slaw a try when you decide to light the coals. It is also fabulous on pulled pork sandwiches! I encourage you to get a little wacky and make one of your own…

Amy’s Spicy Slaw
I mess around with this recipe for Amy’s Spicy Slaw a lot, but here is the basic version. Sometimes I add jicama. Sometimes I add green apple. Sometimes I leave out the cilantro ’cause Mom hates it. Feel free to mess around.  Read more…

New Potato Salad

New Potato Salad Ina GartenThey Call Me…‘Tater Salad

My mom had her birthday over the weekend, so we celebrated at my house with one of her (and my) favorite dinners: Baby Back Ribs, Coleslaw, Cornbread, Beans and Potato Salad. Oh! And don’t forget the coconut cupcakes…again, Mom’s favorite. My sister and I split the cooking duties, and I admit we may have gone a little crazy—but we had a couple good excuses.

The best excuse was Mom’s birthday. So, why not? The other excuse? My sister and I are trying to cook as many dishes for our next Cookbook Club dinner as we can and we had a captive audience. So again, why not?

The required book this time around is anything written by The Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten. She has a number of cookbooks, and most of her recipes can be found on Her cooking is approachable, uncomplicated, and always tasty. For Mom’s Birthday BBQ, the beans, potato salad and the cupcakes were all Ina recipes.

The potato salad happened because I knew that most of the party goers under 5 feet tall were not going to get near the cole slaw. (Cabbage, in any form, is apparently poisonous to kids). I have always been a big fan of potato salad, but this particular recipe is by far one of my favorites and I make it often—though I do tweak it a bit ’cause I can. Adding hard-boiled eggs is my favorite tweak.

No matter if you leave it alone or give it your own twist, try this recipe. With BBQ season fast approaching it’s the perfect recipe for any outdoor get-togethers…or just ’cause.  Read more…