Backyard Tomato Salad

Tomato SaladGetting Squirrelly

The other day, one of my Facebook memories from a few years ago popped up…a photo of a monumental pile of ripe tomatoes, squash, peppers and cucumbers. It made me nostalgic and sad.

I can’t explain to you the joy I feel when picking fresh tomatoes, fruits and vegetables from my own garden. (I’m kinda weird that way.) Then, of course, there is how they taste, plus the endless possibilities of what to make with them. There was no joy in Mudville this year.

I usually plant during Spring Break, but since we actually went on vacation this year, my tomatoes went in late. Ditto for the squash and the melons—the odds were stacked against them from the beginning.

The biggest obstacle was the attack from above. Our property is a veritable Squirrel Disneyland. They fly from tree to tree without a care in the world and apparently, when they need a snack, they scamper on over to the veggie buffet that is my garden.

Now, I can’t tell you how many times I went out to check the progress of my plants, excited that there was fruit ripening on the vine, only to find the vermin had gone on a binge. I heard them laughing.

So, no tomatoes this year. However, there is good news. My brother-in-law has more than he can handle, so I am being nice and helping him out by making stuff like this…

Backyard Tomato Salad
The flavor in this tomato salad is accentuated by salting the tomatoes, so don’t be shy of this step. I promise it will be delicious, and not too too salty. So, whether you are gathering tomatoes from you own backyard, or stopping by the store to pick up a variety of heirlooms and cherry tomatoes, this is a fantastic summer tomato salad!

Read more…

Confetti Corn

Confetti CornConfetti Corn

I’m kinda obsessed with corn at the moment…I think I have had corn with dinner three times this past week. It’s so good right now.

By far my favorite is corn on the cob, but sometimes you gotta branch out and do something different. I have posted my Corn Pie before, and I highly recommend you try that now, when the local corn is like sugar.

There are many good corn salads, but I love this corn side dish from the Barefoot Contessa that my sister made the other night. (I think I had four servings.) I definitely want to try it using a poblano pepper instead of a bell pepper, or maybe even a jalapeño—I would swap some green onion or cilantro for the basil in that case.

Whatever you do, serve Confetti Corn alongside a juicy rib eye for a satisfying summer meal.

Confetti Corn
Adapted from Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa, on Food Network.
Serves 6 Read more…

Gam’s Bacon Potato Salad

Gams Bacon Potato SaladWhen it comes to the Fourth of July, there are certain rules that must be followed. Well, at least in my world.

There must be ribs and hot dogs. There must be fresh corn. Pies are a deal breaker…no pies, no party…and of course, there must be potato salad.

My favorite is the New Potato Salad adapted from The Barefoot Contessa. There must always be dill In my potato salad and hard-boiled eggs. This my line in the sand.

Problem is, I am the only one who digs the dill. So, there are compromises. When that happens, I make my grandmother’s version. The only thing better than potato salad with dill is potato salad with bacon…

For a crowd, I have been known to make both, because I am childish that way.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Satisfying Fourth of July!!!

Gam’s Bacon Potato Salad
(She called it German Potato Salad, but I think she was wrong) Read more…

Spinach Cobb Salad with Bacon, Blue Cheese, Avocado & Derby Dressing

Cobb SaladSalad Daze

I make no excuses for the fact that I am not a salad kind of chick. It is more accurate to say that salads are generally not my first choice. I like veggies. I like lettuce. My issues are not flavor driven—they are calorie driven. I don’t want to be hungry twenty minutes after I eat. I will eat a salad. I just have to have something else to go with it…preferably a double cheeseburger…and some onion rings. (See what I did there? Vegetables!)

If I do make a meal out of just salad, a Cobb Salad is perfect. You have your lettuce and tomatoes, a little avocado, plus some bacon (always a good idea), add eggs, and so on, and so on. The bonus is that Cobb Salad is not only a family favorite, but a perfect hot weather Wednesday night dinner. Simply pile everything on a platter and serve it up family style. Or, even more fun, do a make your own Cobb Salad Bar. (This is best when I’ve reached my I Literally Can’t Even… stage.)

This recipe stopped me in my tracks while skimming through a magazine called Fresh from the Farm in the checkout line. My mind told me that I need to make that. Like, now. Maybe it was one of those right place, right time, right marketing strategy things, but I bought the magazine and this is what’s for dinner tonight.

Spinach Cobb Salad with Bacon, Blue Cheese, Avocado & Derby Dressing
Adapted from Susie Middleton in
Fresh From the Farm Magazine published by Fine Cooking Read more…