
BlondiesRaising the Bar
Bar cookies are a wonderful thing. They can be simple. They can be complicated. No matter what version you go with, you can count on one thing—they will be popular.

Bar cookies are so popular because they are relatively easy to make. For the most part, you mix up a batch, put them in a 13 x 9-inch pan, and wait. Best of all, they travel well. This is why you will find a bar cookie at just about any school function, sports tournament, or potluck.

The hardest part is deciding which recipe to make. During the holidays I make a Five-Layer Bar that is deadly, and I usually follow that up with some pecan bars. When I am in the mood for something with a little fruit, there are lemon bars, raspberry bars, or apple pie bars. But, if I am being honest, my everyday go-to bar cookie is a blondie.

There have been heated debates about which is better the brownie or the blondie. The reality is, there is no right answer. For me, while I love the brownie, there is something about the buttery flavor of a blondie that is undeniable.

This recipe is my go-to when I have that blondie craving or just need a little pick me up.

Adapted from Cook’s Illustrated and Food 52
Yields about 36 cookies

The generous amount of real vanilla extract in this recipe is what makes them so delicious. So, don’t be shy! Also, these are better slightly under-baked rather than over-baked. Read more…

Tuna Burgers

Tuna BurgersCalifornia (Super Bowl) Love
I can’t decide if I am excited about the Super Bowl this weekend or not. The weather is going to be really nice. So, the idea of being outside is very appealing. Plus, I don’t really have a dog in the hunt. There are reasons to cheer for both teams since the 49ers didn’t make it. But, do I care enough to waste an 80-degree day?

The jury is still out. But, I am sure I will end up watching the game mostly for the halftime show, a few adult beverages, and the food…and because I have teenage boys.

Given the temps and the location of the game, I’m thinking margaritas and tacos for the game day nosh. But, you would never go wrong with wings and burgers. I even have the perfect burger. It’s a very “California” tuna burger that is just as satisfying as a beef burger.

The original Tuna Burgers recipe comes with an olive tapenade that is good. But, I like it better served with good quality tartar sauce or a lemon-herb aioli. Add your favorite chips or a salad on the side and you have a very LA feast. They would also be great as sliders.

Tuna Burgers Recipe
Adapted from Bobby Flay and the Food Network
Yields 4 servings Read more…

World Peace Cookies

World Peace CookiesCaught in the Cookie Jar
I had an email land in my inbox the other day that included a recipe for peanut butter cookies. And, I was intrigued by how unexpected it was. I haven’t made peanut butter cookies in forever—mainly because peanuts at school are a big no-go. So, that might explain some of the surprise. I also think I’ve been conditioned to think about cookies only really during the holidays…even though I eat cookies almost daily.

I am a frequent cookie maker. Sometimes they are for sporting event potlucks or some sort of school activity. But, mostly I make cookies because I like ‘em; because I can; and, depending on the variety of cookie, they can be a nice “grab n go on the way out the door” breakfast. (Hey, it could be worse…)

I am also one of those people who needs something sweet in the afternoon. Right around two or three o’clock, I get a cup of tea and something sweet and small to go with it. Nine times out of ten it’s a cookie. (Or three. Depends on the size.) Shortbread, oatmeal, chocolate chip, Oreos…any and all will do. These are what I consider everyday cookies. Not the fancy ones we hand out for Christmas. The cookie jar workhorses, if you will. They go in school lunches, soothe a sweet tooth, and welcome the kids home from practice.

I can’t say that I have an actual favorite cookie. There are just too many to narrow it down. A lot of the time it depends on my mood. Sometimes I want big butter flavor. Other times I am looking for big bites of chocolate or nuts. Over the weekend I was in the mood for the kind of cookie that will just melt in your mouth. The cookie the French call a sablé . But, I was making these particular cookies for a volleyball tournament so I went with a favorite from Dorie Greenspan. These World Peace Cookies are so good and once you get the hang of making the dough logs, making them is a snap…

World Peace Cookies
Adapted from Pierre Hermé & Dorie Greenspan on Food 52
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Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Black Bean Veggie BurgersConfessions of a Burger Junkie
I have a mental block when it comes to veggie burgers. It’s not that I have a problem with them per se, it’s just that I haven’t found one that I like. When I am craving a burger, I’m going for a legit burger. But, there are times when my family is on the burger train but I’m just not feeling it. Those are the times I go for something “other” and I am usually disappointed.

True, it’s easy to just have a turkey burger or a mushroom burger and I have been known to go that route with quite a bit of success. But, there is a part of me that wants to find a true veggie burger that I like. My issue is that in my mind I can’t get past the fact that I am not eating a ground beef burger. Eating a veggie burger, so far, hasn’t given me that same cheesy, juicy, fatty flavor that I love. And, yes, I get that it’s the cheesy fatty part that I should try to avoid for health reasons. Hence the search for a veggie burger.

I have tried the Beyond and Impossible products with great results but because of the amount of sodium in those options (it’s crazy) I don’t see them as a healthy alternative to the occasional classic burger.

My friends are very aware of my burger quest so I get a lot of recipes handed to me to try. Some are better than others. I am always on the lookout. So, if you are reading this and have a recipe you want to share, please post it in the Facebook comments and I will give it a shot.

In the meantime, the recipe below is the latest submission. I am planning to give it a shot this weekend as I have been told they are really flavorful and good. We’ll see…

Black Bean Veggie Burgers
Adapted from Sarah Britton and My New Roots 
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