Spiced Lamb Sliders with Harissa Mayonnaise and Cucumber

Spiced Lamb Sliders Super Bowl, Schmooper Bowl

I sat down to write a post about Super Bowl food, but find myself less than excited about the entire thing. I’m not sure if it’s because I have no real interest in the two teams playing, or if it’s because I see the potential for mass hysteria on the roadways. Or maybe I’m just kinda cranky…it’s been known to happen.

It’s weird, really. I have always been a football fan. Some might say a rabid football fan. (Go Ducks!) But for some reason, this year I don’t care all that much. Don’t get me wrong, I will watch the game, and I may even invite a few folks over to join us. But my excitement will be more for the commercials and food than any thing else.

However, if there is something to be excited about it’s these sliders—they are the bomb! (Just ask my kids, who couldn’t stop eating them—even with the Harissa Mayo.) They are the perfect finger food, and therefore they are perfect for your Super Bowl spread…with our without the game.

Spiced Lamb Sliders with Harissa Mayonnaise and Cucumber
Adapted from Market Math Cookbook by Food & Wine Magazine
Yields 12 sliders Read more…

Curried Chicken and Apple Wraps

Curried Chicken WrapsWrap It Up
School started this week. Part of me is beyond relieved that we can get back to a normal routine and that the kids will now have their time occupied. The other part is trying to wrap my mind around the reality that I now have two middle school students. Whoa, when did that happen? Wasn’t it last year when one boy was crying at the door to kindergarten because he didn’t want me to go? (By the way, that’s changed…I now have to drop them off a few blocks away, while wearing a wig so no one recognizes me, or them, or me with them.)

Another thing that’s changed? Lunch.

Apparently, the usual is no longer cool. Until now, lunch for my boys has always been turkey and mayo on wheat. That’s it. Every Day. All year. (Zzzzzzzzzz…Sorry, fell asleep there for a minute.) However, when I asked what they wanted for their first day, I got, this as my answer, “Turkey and mayo but only if you have avocado. If not, I’ll have Roast Beef with lettuce and Havarti cheese” Umm…ok. Sure. I applaud their willingness to try something new, especially while channeling characters from When Harry Met Sally. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.

Full Disclosure: I must give some credit to my nephew who spent quite a bit of time at our house over the summer. He has a more refined palate, and his influence has prompted change. He prefers such bizarre things as sliced red onion on his sandwiches. Rebel.

I know these changes are not ground-breaking concepts in terms of sandwich sophistication—iit is a major step up though. This gives me hope that I can try more stuff like the recipe below which, funny thing, is something I would prefer to make for my own lunch thus cutting down morning kitchen time.

They are growing up, which is both good and bad. Good because I can’t wait to see the adults they become, and bad because I miss the squishy, drooling kids that used to laugh when I blew on their tummies. Oh well. I still have The Rocket Dog…she still likes that…

Curried Chicken and Apple Wraps
Adapted from the Giada De Laurentis and The Food Network
Makes 4 servings Read more…

Chicken Tamale Pie

Chicken Tamale PieHere today…Gone Tamale (or to Tahoe)
It’s the second week in August, so you can find me parked in a beach chair reading my Kindle up at Tahoe. This is my post-baseball, pre-start of school week of relaxation…well sort of. It’s really semi-controlled chaos, but we have a good time!

Yes, just being at Tahoe makes life better. It’s hard not be relaxed while enjoying the views and the water. There is just one problem—we still have to feed people—11 of them plus two dogs.

Over the years my sister and I have pretty much gotten things down to a science, but there is always room for improvement. In recent years we have started using the crock pot, so dinner is ready when we get home from the day’s activities. Of course, a well-timed cocktail and some appetizers can buy time for the stuff that takes a little bit longer.

A few weeks ago I came across this Tamale Pie recipe, and knew I had to try it. The recipe was super-easy and tasty, and could be easily doubled (or tripled) for a large crowd. So this will be on our table this week. As a bonus, the leftovers (if there are any) make a great breakfast with scrambled eggs.

Chicken Tamale Pie
Adapted from The Food Network 
Read more…

Easy Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream (No-Churn)

Vietnamese Coffee Ice CreamWhat’s the Buzz?

I have a love-hate relationship with coffee: I love it, but it doesn’t love me. I have cut my coffee intake back to just one cup in the morning, but it’s a constant struggle. I love the flavor. I love the ritual of a steaming hot cup in the morning and in the afternoon—sometimes you just need that giant latte to get through. The struggle is real folks.

Iced Vietnamese coffee is a favorite guilty pleasure that I don’t indulge in very often, but I love it. (It’s the condensed milk that makes it good but not good for you.) I will have it occasionally when we have Vietnamese for lunch, because I just can’t resist. I’m wired when I get back to my desk, but boy am I productive. So when I saw this recipe I knew I just had to try it. (Especially because my favorite ice cream is anything that starts with a coffee base. Shocking, ain’t it?)

I have one of those old-fashioned, crank ice cream makers—it’s one of my most favorit-est things. However, I like the fact that I don’t need to use it to make this treat. I used the French Market coffee that we carry in the store. The chicory ads a little oomph to the coffee flavor! Feel free to substitute your favorite espresso grounds too…

Easy Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream (No-Churn)
A quick and easy, no-churn ice cream, inspired by Vietnamese Iced Coffee. It’s creamy, sweet and uses sweetened condensed milk. Read more…