Classic Ensenada Fish Tacos

Fish TacosEaster South Of The Border
As you read this, it is entirely possible (and most likely) that I am pool-side, slathered in SPF 5000, and sucking down margaritas like water. If I am not, it is because I am stuffing my face with fish tacos, while sucking down margaritas like water.

Vacations are always fun and relaxing, but I think we are looking forward to this one even more. We are just that tired. (I am including the kids in that statement. After all of the standards testing, they’re just done.)

The five of us are looking forward to a week of great weather and doing absolutely nothing. Normally, when we plan a trip we all throw out ideas for activities. When asked what everyone wanted to do this time around, the overwhelming response was “drool”. I am so on board with that.

There may be a snorkeling trip along the way, and I am pretty sure there will be some jewelry shopping with my daughter, but one thing I know for certain is there will be good food. How do I know this? Because when you don’t give me your input or opinion on such matters, you do so at your own peril. I have made all of the reservations at the places I want to try!

¡Hasta la vista!, baby…

Classic Ensenada Fish Tacos
Adapted from Rick Bayless
Tacos de Pescado “Clasicos de Ensenada”
From Season 8, Mexico—One Plate at a Time
Servings: 12 tacos, enough to serve 4 people Read more…

Spicy Mushroom Tamales

Tamales Hot Tamale
We are a pretty non-traditional family when it comes to many things, but most especially when it comes to Valentine’s Day celebrations. We’ve done the giant chocolate chip cookie heart, and of course the heart-shaped pepperoni pizza. Most years, we have the mother of all Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae Bars so that we can over indulge in creamy iced goodness. This year, my family has gone rogue, again, and it’s weird.

I have been asked to make a Valentine’s Day Thanksgiving. Yup, you read that correctly. The forecast is for the upper 70s this weekend, and I will be roasting a turkey. In all fairness, I did promise back in early December that I would do a Thanksgiving in the new year, because we all agreed that we just didn’t get enough in November. Silly me, I figured we would still be having winter weather in February. It was also before we made our plans for Spring Break. Now I have margaritas, beaches and tacos on the brain.

So, as head chef, I am going to pull rank. We can do the turkey on Sunday and they can just like it. For Valentine’s Day I want a margarita or five, and something hot and spicy (besides the husband…nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and chocolate. Let’s not forget the chocolate.

Tamales are traditionally made and eaten at celebrations, and I think these would be perfect for this weekend. Time consuming, yes, but oh so worth it. Serve them with some tasty beans and a salad and we have our own Fiesta del Amour!

¡Arriba! (I know, just go with it.)

Spicy Mushroom Tamales
Adapted from Rick Bayless’s Mexican Kitchen by Rick Bayless
Makes 6 medium-size tamales
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Amy’s Hummus

Amy's HummusHummus Among Us

School has been back in session for a week, at least at my house. (It only took 4 days for two of my kids to get sick. Yay, school!) I am back in lunch making mode. The boys’ lunches are easy, albeit boring: turkey sandwich on wheat, yogurt, fruit, granola bar, and a drink. Every day. All Year. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

My daughter is the difficult one. She’s not a sandwich kind of gal. When she does have a sandwich, she prefers a PB&J but the PB in it is problematic when there are peanut allergies in your class. Any other options that I have given her are short lived. Egg salad is a favorite but I don’t want her to eat that everyday. She’ll eat any leftovers from dinner. There’s always crackers, cheese and salami, but sometimes this feels like cheating, and it’s not the greatest nutritionally.

The most recent solution is perhaps one of the best. She loves Hummus. I have started making my own and sending it in her lunch with various veggies. It’s been great. Plus it’s cheap when you make it yourself.

Hummus is so easy to make, and frankly tastes way better when you make it fresh. I adapted my recipe from a couple from my collection. It’s fast. I made a batch in 5 minutes yesterday. It’s a great go-to afternoon snack and keeps in the fridge for about 5 days—if it lasts that long. Play around with this recipe. I sometimes add harissa if I want it spicy.
Amy’s Hummus

2 14-ounce cans garbanzo beans (chickpeas) or 1 ¼ C dried garbanzo beans, soaked in water overnight, and cooked.
1/4 cup tahini
Juice of two Lemons, or to taste
3 garlic cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin (optional)
1/4 cup olive oil

Drain the canned garbanzo beans in a colander over a bowl to retain the liquid.

Put the drained beans into a food processor. Add the tahini, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and cumin if using.

Process the ingredients until a thick paste forms. While the processor is running, add the olive oil. Add some of the reserved liquid until the preferred consistency is achieved. Enjoy!

Tart Cherry Frozen Yogurt

Tart Cherry Frozen YogurtGut Check

My sister is on a mission to convince the people in her sphere of influence to eat better, and to think about what we are putting in our bodies. Normally this would just affect her immediate family. Since we were all together up at Tahoe last week, her quest now includes my family. This is not a bad thing. My husband and I definitely need to make some changes in our diets—as do the kids, and paying attention to what exactly we are putting into our bodies is always a good idea.

The thing is, I hate diets. They are too restrictive and before you say “No kidding Genius. That’s the point.” I would like to say that It’s not the smaller amounts of food that get to me, rather I am not the kind of person who can eat the same thing over and over. That is what I mean by restrictive. I can eat more veggies. I have no problem swapping creamy mashed potatoes for the fiber of roasted sweet ones. (Okay it might be kinda painful.) I can even handle the occasional salad for lunch…if I must. I just require variety in my meals.

With that in mind, I have decided to make some of the changes that my sister is suggesting—minus the cleanse. No way is that happening. However, I’m doing it my way. More yogurt for gut health. (She’s all about the gut.) More veggies and fruits. Leaner meats, and way less red meat. Whole grains. Basically the obvious stuff. The key is that I am going to try to do it by eating the way people used to eat, and not buy the pre-packaged stuff. We’re going to eat REAL food.

It might be difficult at first, and certainly painful for me as the cook, but I think it will be a good thing all around. Once it becomes habit my kids will reach for a carrot rather than the crackers. I’ll let you know how it goes. School starts next week and I am sure there will be some discontent when the kids see their “new lunches”.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it has to all be bad, especially with the following recipe for Tart Cherry Frozen Yogurt adapted from Love and Lemons. If you make your own yogurt (which is incredibly easy by the way) so much the better…

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