Old-Fashioned Apple Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting

Old-Fashioned Apple Cake with Brown Sugar FrostingSomething Wicked This Way Comes…For Now

Halloween has me a little concerned this year. In the past, costume planning started in January. This year serious planning didn’t start until September. Well, except for my daughter; she still started planning in January. She will be going as a hamster. Without the human-sized hamster ball though. She’s totally bummed…and, yes they do make human-sized hamster balls.

The boys were seriously less enthusiastic. Getting them to commit was worse than pulling teeth, and the ideas kept changing from day to day. Scooby Doo and Shaggy were their first options. Frankly, I thought it was an awesome idea, but my opinion may be why it was nixed immediately.

One of the boys wanted to be this blow up ostrich thing—just too weird. (Really? Who comes up with these?) The other one was first thinking about being a caveman, and then the lime green unitard guy…ummmm, no!

The good news? No blood and guts for 2014. Instead we have a Spartan (that in no way resembles Tommy Trojan. I made sure of that. Go Ducks!), a nerd, and of course a hamster named Peanut—complete with a bag of peanuts. (This is an essential part of the costume as is the sign that says:  Hi, my name is Peanut. My daughter is nothing, if not thorough.)

All of this semi-drama leads me to believe that it might be the last year for Halloween fun, at least for the boys. This goes way beyond the usual complaining when I take pictures of them in their costumes before school. Next year they hit Middle School and the innocence of the Buzz Lightyear costume morphs into I’m too cool for school. What-evs! And bring on the T.P. mischief.

I’m not ready for it to be over. Next thing you know we will loose Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Total childhood anarchy. I refuse to accept it. So I have been self-medicating with cake.

I made this one over the weekend. It seemed to help… Read more…

Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins

Inside Out Muffins Goin’ Out of My Gourd
Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s the fact that Fall is officially here. Then again maybe I’m just impatient since it’s not even October yet, but I have done gone pumpkin crazy.

I’ve noticed recently that any time I am in a position to be choosing a flavor for something, like a latte or a cookie, I find myself choosing the pumpkin option without fail or forethought.

This past weekend, I was overcome with the need to make pumpkin bread. Yes, the temperature was in the low 90s but I needed a pumpkin fix and it was worth a hot kitchen to get it.

Fall is my favorite time of the year so some version of my fall food mania is an annual occurrence. Of course, similar mania happens in the Spring with its fresh peas, and Summer with the arrival of stone fruit. I guess it’s fair to say that I’m just a year-round lunatic.

The intensity of my pumpkin craving is turned up a notch this year, and I am laying the blame at the feet of my flock. Thanks to the girls, there are no more squash plants of any kind. I am feeling a bit desperate.

The good news? There are many possibilities out there to satisfy my need for pumpkin. This recipe for Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins is from my King Arthur Flour newsletter and is a perfect way to soothe any pumpkin addiction as well as a craving of equal intensity… Read more…

Tart Cherry Frozen Yogurt

Tart Cherry Frozen YogurtGut Check

My sister is on a mission to convince the people in her sphere of influence to eat better, and to think about what we are putting in our bodies. Normally this would just affect her immediate family. Since we were all together up at Tahoe last week, her quest now includes my family. This is not a bad thing. My husband and I definitely need to make some changes in our diets—as do the kids, and paying attention to what exactly we are putting into our bodies is always a good idea.

The thing is, I hate diets. They are too restrictive and before you say “No kidding Genius. That’s the point.” I would like to say that It’s not the smaller amounts of food that get to me, rather I am not the kind of person who can eat the same thing over and over. That is what I mean by restrictive. I can eat more veggies. I have no problem swapping creamy mashed potatoes for the fiber of roasted sweet ones. (Okay it might be kinda painful.) I can even handle the occasional salad for lunch…if I must. I just require variety in my meals.

With that in mind, I have decided to make some of the changes that my sister is suggesting—minus the cleanse. No way is that happening. However, I’m doing it my way. More yogurt for gut health. (She’s all about the gut.) More veggies and fruits. Leaner meats, and way less red meat. Whole grains. Basically the obvious stuff. The key is that I am going to try to do it by eating the way people used to eat, and not buy the pre-packaged stuff. We’re going to eat REAL food.

It might be difficult at first, and certainly painful for me as the cook, but I think it will be a good thing all around. Once it becomes habit my kids will reach for a carrot rather than the crackers. I’ll let you know how it goes. School starts next week and I am sure there will be some discontent when the kids see their “new lunches”.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it has to all be bad, especially with the following recipe for Tart Cherry Frozen Yogurt adapted from Love and Lemons. If you make your own yogurt (which is incredibly easy by the way) so much the better…

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Buttermilk Waffles

Buttermilk WafflesWaffling
The boys just played in their last baseball tournament of the season. This left us all sad because it was over—but equally as happy that it was all over, and our real summer vacation could start. One bright spot in the weekend spent in Manteca was…waffles.

Waffles may not seem like a big deal to you or me, but to my kids they are the best thing ever. (Except for, maybe, Roll-Up a.k.a. Swedish pancakes. But that’s another post for another day.)

We stayed one night in a hotel that provides breakfast, and the kids were beside themselves because they could make their own fresh waffles. By their actions and conversation, you would think that the three of them never get to have waffles. That is so not the case. In fact we have waffles often. So often that I have the cool double waffle maker that spins and makes two at a time, ‘cause making them one at a time just takes too darn long, and they are not that patient.

I have tried many versions and recipes for waffles. I’ve tried regular, Belgian, sourdough, pecan, buttermilk, sweet potato, banana, yeast, chocolate chip and on and on. You would be surprised at how many recipes there are for waffles. And don’t get me started on the ice cream/dessert variety.

I have finally found what I consider to be my personal favorite recipe for ye old basic Buttermilk Waffles. They’re crispy and light with great flavor. Alas, in the eyes of my kids, they just won’t ever be as cool as the free hotel waffles during baseball. Read more…