Little Latke Cups

Preparing potatoes for Little Latke CupsHole Lotta Latkes 
You don’t have to be Jewish to be a fan of potato latkes. How can anyone not like fried shredded potatoes? I could eat them by the dozen. And, therein lies the problem. Latkes go down easy. And, if you are the cook, you can get stuck at the stove trying to keep up with demand. Sure, you can make a bunch of mini latkes but then it can be messy for your guests when they go for their favorite toppings. I have, however, found a solution.

Latkes, in my opinion, can be fantastic just on their own. But, when you top them with applesauce or sour cream it raises them to a different level. Smoked salmon or brisket is even better. So, what better way to get the best of everything than making your latkes in the shape of little cups so that you get all the goodness all at once? Brilliant, right?

I like to make these bite-sized. But, you will need mini muffin pans if you don’t already have them. You could, of course, make them in standard-sized muffin pans but just be aware that they will be a little too big to pass around at a party. The mini muffin pan makes the perfect pop-it-all-in-your-mouth-at-once bite.

How you fill these cups is up to you. Applesauce and Sour cream are traditional. I like to add some chives to my sour cream, but I am also a fan of a little smoked salmon or, for the more ambitious, you could top them with some brisket from your favorite recipe. And, if you’re feelin’ fancy, there’s always caviar…

Little Latke Cups Recipe
Yields 8 servings Read more…

Tsar Nicoulai Caviar

Photo of Tsar Nicoulai Caviar on a stack of blini against a black backgroundMake the holidays extra special with this classic delicacy.
Tsar Nicoulai Caviar can take your meal to new levels—a little goes a long way. And, it is sustainably grown in California.

Ideas for Serving
Caviar is simple and classic, delicious straight as a garnish or on almost any low-salt Read more…

Patagonia Provisions Mussels

Image of Patagonia Provisions MusselsTinned Fish Date Night?
In case you haven’t been following the social media trend… Tinned Fish Date Night is definitely a thing. And Patagonia Provisions Mussels are a great way to start.

Here is how it works. You and your partner crack open a few tins of fish and surround them with Read more…

French Onion Soup Dip

Photo fo a bowl of French Onion Soup Dip with a slice of toasted baguetteWhen I Dip, You Dip, We Dip
December is here and the holiday party season has officially begun. This time of year, the parties come in all sorts of flavors. There’s the classic office party in the conference room down the hall. OR, if you’re lucky, at the local favorite lunch spot. The cocktail party with heavy appetizers at a friend’s house is a personal favorite—mainly because it could go festive and dressy or casual with lots of wine. Either way, it’s fun to get together with the people you love to spend time with. Though I admit the parties have changed as the years have gone by.

When I was in my twenties, live bands, high heels, martinis, and girly dresses were the standard. As was getting home in the wee early hours. My 30s were the family-friendly years and involved a lot of cookie exchanges or mid-afternoon get-togethers because we were all exhausted and in bed by 9. Then came the themed parties of my forties that could be anything from a tequila tasting, to a Cajun Christmas feast, to gathering around the fire for S’mores.

As I approach my fifties, I have come to realize that the get-togethers I enjoy the most are the ones when everyone brings something sweet or savory for the crowd and we spend the time just talking and enjoying each other’s company. We may or may not be wearing stretchy pants. These are the events that, to me, require something hot and cheesy. Though honestly, when is anything hot and cheesy a bad idea?

Hot dips are the water cooler of potlucks. They are always a hit and tend to be where guests gather to catch up. I am a big fan of anything with spinach or artichokes, be they spicy or not. But, at times you want something different.

This recipe for French Onion Soup Dip is for those of you who are fans of French onion soup. I like it not so much for the soup but for the cheesy crouton on top… Hence, this dip. Serve it with toasted baguette slices or crackers…

French Onion Soup Dip Recipe
Yields approximately 5 cups Read more…