Homemade Merguez Sausage

Homemade Merguez Sausage on a board with grilled veggies

Fiery Fourth Of July
This Fourth of July weekend is a hot one, people. So hot, in fact, that the tradition of being outdoors and grilling might be in question. True, you could escape to the coast or up to the mountains but even then, you might want to limit the time you spend outside. This means having to watch over a larger piece of meat on the grill might not be ideal. I offer you a solution: sausages.

Sausages are the perfect pivot. They fulfill the traditional requirement. (Hot dogs ARE sausages after all.) Sausages are extremely portable and don’t really require any extra seasonings. Sausages can be eaten in a bun or not depending on preference. Sausages take almost no time to cook but the best reason to throw some sausages on the grill this 4th of July would be the amazing variety available.

4th of July purists would tell you to go with tried-and-true classics like beef franks, brats, or bockwurst. And, don’t forget about a lovely smoked kielbasa. I think you could never go wrong with a Polish sausage, a nice and spicy hot link, or some andouille for Cajun flare. Then there are your fancier flavors like spinach and artichoke or chicken and basil. Variety is the spice of life. Go crazy…

For those who really want to shake things up, I offer you this suggestion, Homemade Merguez Sausage. Merguez is a North African staple made of ground lamb and a mix of fragrant North African spices. Merguez is the sausage of choice when grilling in France, so it is definitely not your typical 4th of July offering but the flavor is worth going rogue—especially with a dollop of fresh harissa for some fireworks.

Merguez sausage can be found at our store. But, it is so easy to make that it is worth the minimal time to make your own.

Our recipe for Kitty’s Roasted Pepper, Tomato, and Salted Lemon Relish would work as a side for these as well.

Homemade Merguez Sausage Recipe
Adapted from NY Times Cooking
Yields about 1 pound of sausage Read more…

Supu Viazi (Tanzanian Coconut Potato Soup)

Bowl of Supu Viazi (Tanzanian Coconut Potato Soup) on a wooden tabletop.

Soup-er Summer
I know. It’s 150 degrees outside and I’m talking about soup. Yep. I get it. Soup is not the first thing that pops into your three-in-the-afternoon brain in late July when it’s time to think about dinner. Most people opt for something cooler.

But, when you think about it, soup isn’t much more than a thinner curry or pasta sauce, right? Right? Ok, I’ll work on my sales pitch. But, maybe this recipe will change your mind. Because, for some reason, the flavors scream summer to me.

I found this Eastern African recipe for Supu Viazi while doing my deep dive into all things foodie and African. It intrigued me for a few reasons. This recipe comes from Tanzania which is not a cuisine you hear about with regularity. That in and of itself makes this recipe interesting.

Also, you might find my lack of knowledge about food in Tanzania a bit odd considering my Mother-in-Law lived there for multiple years right after my husband graduated from high school. It would be logical to assume that there would be a few recipes that she had picked up along the way and passed down. Alas, you would be wrong.

Lastly, when reading the ingredients, it just sounded so good in my head. It reminds me of a Thai yellow curry, just without the meat.

The best part? Assuming you have the ingredients, it’s fairly quick to prepare which makes it a good choice for some mid-week flavor…

The green banana is traditional, but you can swap it for a green plantain or leave it out altogether if either is hard to find. Just toss in a few more potatoes.

Supu Viazi (Tanzanian Coconut Potato Soup) Recipe
Adapted from Flavors of Africa by Evi Aki
Yields 4 to 6 servings Read more…

African Style Roasted Veggies

Photo of a plate of African Style Roasted Veggies

Hot and Veggie
When the weather is hot, I go veggie-heavy. This is by no means a revolutionary way of life. I know plenty of people who do this. Frankly, when the temps are above, say, ninety degrees, eating any kind of normal protein just seems heavy. Presenting me with a lovely and bright ceviche though, will change my mind.

My problem is I tend to get hungry later when I go full veggie. It’s a struggle I’ve dealt with forever. It’s why I am not a salad person. I will eat salad, but it won’t be the whole meal. Adding some grains or pasta helps, though. As does adding a lot of flavor. This recipe for African Style Roasted Veggies has lots of African flavor.

I made this last week when it was warm but before it got too hot to turn on the oven over the weekend. If you were looking for a recipe to try the Fonio we just brought in, this is the perfect thing. It’s also the answer for a veggie garden that has finally started producing. (It’s been a weird growing season.)

*Note-Plantains make a great addition to this recipe but can be hard to find. We have stocked them over the years in the store. But, have found that the day-in day-out demand for plantains just isn’t there. However, the recent rise in popularity of Caribbean flavors means that we are looking to bring them back in. Keep an eye out in the produce department.

African Style Roasted Veggies
Adapted from Africana by Lerato Umah-Shaylor
Yields 4 servings Read more…

Strawberry Hibiscus & Honey Ice Cream

Photo of a bowl of Strawberry Hibiscus & Honey Ice Cream

Something Totally Different
I have been overwhelmed with recipes since starting my journey into the flavors of Africa. Unfortunately, there are too many wonderful options to consider—and not enough time.

The recipe below for Strawberry Hibiscus & Honey Ice Cream is one I definitely want to try but just haven’t been able to get to. So I am passing it on to y’all in the hopes that someone out there is willing to give it a shot and let me know how it turns out.

Dried hibiscus flowers can be challenging to find. As an alternative, I recommend using hibiscus tea as a substitute. If you go that route, let me know what tea you use. I thought the Tao of Tea Hibiscus Ginger might be fantastic for this.

Strawberry Hibiscus & Honey Ice Cream
Adapted from Africana by Lerato Umah-Shaylor
Yields about 1 Quart Read more…