Spiced Lamb Sliders with Harissa Mayonnaise and Cucumber

Spiced Lamb Sliders Super Bowl, Schmooper Bowl

I sat down to write a post about Super Bowl food, but find myself less than excited about the entire thing. I’m not sure if it’s because I have no real interest in the two teams playing, or if it’s because I see the potential for mass hysteria on the roadways. Or maybe I’m just kinda cranky…it’s been known to happen.

It’s weird, really. I have always been a football fan. Some might say a rabid football fan. (Go Ducks!) But for some reason, this year I don’t care all that much. Don’t get me wrong, I will watch the game, and I may even invite a few folks over to join us. But my excitement will be more for the commercials and food than any thing else.

However, if there is something to be excited about it’s these sliders—they are the bomb! (Just ask my kids, who couldn’t stop eating them—even with the Harissa Mayo.) They are the perfect finger food, and therefore they are perfect for your Super Bowl spread…with our without the game.

Spiced Lamb Sliders with Harissa Mayonnaise and Cucumber
Adapted from Market Math Cookbook by Food & Wine Magazine
Yields 12 sliders Read more…

Beef Short Ribs Braised in Dark Beer with Bacon and Red Onions

Beef Short RibsGet Shorty

On Monday, November announced its presence with authority—some crazy rain, wind and even lightning. My first thought was…”Ooooh, short ribs.” (I know. Just go with it.)

Whenever the weather gets cold, I think of slow-cooked short ribs, my ultimate comfort food. (Though I have a long list of favorites.) My list of recipes I consider for short ribs is appropriately short. There are two.

The first is a classic bistro-style braised recipe that I serve with mashed potatoes. It combines Guinness, red onions and bacon. How can you go wrong with that? Don’t you just feel warm and comforted by the mere thought of that combo? Or am I just weird and hungry? I could die happy in a vat of this stuff.

The second recipe is perfect for mid-week, because it makes use of the crock pot. If you have ever heard the term “Sunday Gravy” used to describe a slow-simmered meat sauce for pasta, this recipe is a great example—except that it uses a crock pot instead of simmering on the stove. This rich sauce that gets even better after a day in the fridge. You can serve this over pasta or with cheesy polenta. Whatever floats your boat…

Either recipe is the answer to the colder weather and the arrival of El Nino.

Beef Short Ribs Braised in Dark Beer with Bacon and Red Onions
Adapted from Bistro Cooking at Home by Gordon Hamersley Read more…

Slow-Cooker Chicken Mole

Slow-Cooker Chicken MoleFood to Die For
Halloween hasn’t arrived yet but I am already over it. Too many stores have had the Halloween stuff up and on the floor for sale since August. (Even worse, I have seen the Christmas stuff in some places…really?) The over-availability of anything Halloween-related has made me indifferent to the goblins and ghouls. Even my kids seem lukewarm about Halloween—and when you think about the amount of candy that could come their way, that’s saying something.

To combat this, I have decided to stage my own personal rebellion (Okay, teenage angst tantrum is probably more accurate.) and focus on the day after Halloween. This year we are going to honor our dead with a Dia De Los Muertos feast.

Some of you may see this for what it actually is: another excuse for me to make Mexican food, my favorite. You would, indeed, be correct. But consider it as a way for me to educate my family about the fascinating traditions of other countries, thus making them more well-rounded and accepting citizens of the world. …Nah, I wouldn’t buy that either.

I will say this, any opportunity to get together with family and friends, to remember those whom we have loved and lost, is worthwhile. If it happens to also come with some rockin’ good food (and don’t forget the Margaritas!) from south of the border, so much the better.

Most of our honoring will occur on the soccer pitch, because of playoffs. I am going to use this Chicken Mole recipe to make life a little easier. Mole is one of the most iconic and flavorful dishes of Mexico. And is, therefore, the perfect choice with which to coax the spirits of the departed back to gather with friends and family for a great feast.

Slow-Cooker Chicken Mole
Adapted from Martha Stewart

What is great about this recipe is the ease of preparation. It is perfect to do in the morning, and find a simmering pot of mole when you get home from a day’s work.
Read more…

Sausage and Apples

Sausage and ApplesThe Comfort of Apples…And Sausage
During the past few days things have gone sideways, and stress has been high. These are dangerous times, my friends, because this is when I become a comfort food, carb, and fat monster. Somehow, the food that’s bad for us makes us feel better.

Usually, I reach for the fabulous potato, followed quickly by cheese, and rounded out with pasta. But not always—sometimes it’s sausage. Can I get an amen?

Maybe it’s the fat content, or it could be the all-around yumminess? (Yep, that’s a word). Or perhaps it’s the old-world homieness. (Okay, that’s not a word.) There are times when some tasty smoked Polska Kielbasa is just the thing. Or Bockwurst. Or Garlic Sausage. Or, well, you get the idea.

One of my favorite sausage dishes is one my mother made during my childhood—this automatically puts it in the comfort food category. Mom would pan fry slices of Kielbasa with onions and apples, and serve it alongside either mashed potatoes or buttered egg noodles. The flavors blend well together, and are undeniably autumnal. Occasionally, she would switch it up with bell peppers, but I always loved the apple version.

Sautéed sausage with apples come from the Norman region in France, where apples and Calvados are abundant. (Frankly, I prefer the non-calvados version.) There are many different apples and sausage recipes, from different regions in Europe.

Here is my recipe for Sausage and Apples. Feel free to improvise. I stick with Kielbasa, however you can substitute bratwurst or whatever your favorite might be.

Sausage and Apples
Serves 2 generously Read more…