Search Results for: burger

Caggiano Fresh Sausages

Outstanding Sausage As summer goes on, grillers seem to keep on bringing out the hot dogs and hamburgers. You can do better with variety and flavor by grilling these delicious Caggiano sausages. Nothing is easier to grill than sausages. You … Read more

Summer Watermelon Salad

Bits and Pieces Fun fact: I will not bite directly into fruit. And yes, I realize how strange that sounds…but let me explain. I have always had sensitive teeth so biting into, say, an apple is not a fun experience. … Read more

Parrano Cheese

If you haven’t yet tried Parrano cheese, we recommend you do! It is one of our most popular cheese—it simply flies off our shelves! Parrano is an unforgettable cheese with a distinctly Italian temperament. Parrano artfully captures two of the … Read more

The Benefits of Fat

Those of us of a certain age fondly remember the can of rendered bacon fat that your grandmother kept in the fridge (or some kept under the sink). It was used to prevent fried eggs from sticking to the pan … Read more