Pi(e) Day

Cherry PieCelebrate the irrational.

3.14159 is easily rounded up to 3.1416. That’s today 3/14/16. What better excuse to eat pie! Stop by the store, and pick up a pie—savory or sweet. Or peruse our recipes to make your own.

The Cherry Pie recipe is crazy-easy for a weeknight, and you can substitute any flavor filling you wish.

More about Pi Day here.

Caramel Nut Pie
Cherry Pie
Classic Apple Pie
Hula Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie
Mincemeat Pie
Perfect Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Chicken Tamale Pie
Corn Pie
Cornmeal-Crusted Crayfish Pies
Crab and Corn Pies with Corn Crab Sauce

Plus an amazing array of pies from all over the internet…
Pie Month 2015
Pie Month 2014

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