Amy’s White Chicken Chili

Amy's White Chicken ChiliBack to Reality
It happens every time we go on vacation. Usually, the day before we are supposed to head home, my husband starts professing our need to eat better when we return to undo any of the caloric damage we have done while sipping Mai Tais and eating hula pie. Of course, this same conversation occurs after the holidays as well. It’s kind of a running theme. (But, I digress.)

Since returning from vacation, I have been trying hard to lighten up our meals–which has been more challenging than normal due to crazy sports schedules and the recent addition of braces for one of my sons. While he would love it, the last thing the dude wants to chew right now is a steak. Pasta is an obvious choice but my beloved and I are trying to cut back the carbs. Finding common ground ain’t easy. Plus, it’s still raining and grilling in the rain is not my idea of fun…

Last Friday I roasted two chickens ‘cause chicken is a good, lighter choice. (Full disclosure, I did make mashed potatoes for the boys. I may have had a bite.). Since my husband and daughter were away at a volleyball tournament, the boys and I were only able to get through one of the chickens which meant I needed to do something with the other. I chose to make this White Chicken Chili.

It’s surprisingly not bad for you! And, since April has been noticeably chilly, a nice and warming bowl after a day of work is a good thing. Bonus, using the pre-cooked chicken means it’s pretty easy to eat for the metal mouths….

Amy’s White Chicken Chili
Yields 6 to 8 servings

This is easy enough to prepare on a weeknight if you are starting with pre-cooked chicken.  I like to serve it up in individual bowls with a choice of toppings for everyone to choose from. Feel free to experiment with your own ideas.

3 (15-ounce) cans cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 (16-ounce) can white hominy
4 cups chicken broth
Salt and pepper
Meat from a whole cooked chicken, shredded
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 onions, chopped
2 jalapeño chilies, seeded and chopped
1 poblano chili, seeded and chopped
6 cloves minced garlic
2 tablespoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 teaspoons chili powder
Juice of one lime

Cubed avocado
Sour cream
Chopped green onions
Shredded cheese
Lemon or lime wedges

Puree hominy with its liquid plus 1 cup of the chicken broth and 3/4 teaspoon of salt in a blender until completely smooth.

Heat the oil in a dutch-oven over medium heat. Cook the onions, chiles, and garlic until the vegetables have softened (about 8 minutes). Add the cumin, coriander and chili powder and cook until fragrant (about 1 minute).

Add 2 cups of the chicken stock and the hominy puree to the dutch-oven. Add the chicken, beans, and lime juice. Stir, taste, and correct for salt. If the chili is too thick add more chicken stock.

Heat thoroughly and serve with the toppings of your choice.


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