Lake Champlain Chocolate

A box of Lake Champlain Chocolate

Lake Champlain Chocolate knows how to make something delicious!
Lake Champlain’s artisans fit right in with Vermont’s legendary specialty food makers. And, we love their variety of flavors and beautiful presentation. If you are looking for a gift for a special someone, these are perfect!
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Fresh Local Dungeness Crab

A plate of Fresh Local Dungeness Crab

Many of you have heard that fresh local Dungeness Crab is finally here. And at Piedmont Grocery we have crab in our cases. So, come in and pick some up to enjoy while it is still available.

This is one local specialty that is so delicious that you don’t really need to do much to it. But, if Read more…

Salmon Chowder

Photo of ingredients to make Salmon Chowder

Books Of Life
I am a bookworm. I love everything about books. I like to read them. I like the smell of them. And, anytime I get to be in a room with a lot of books I feel centered.

For that reason, it should come as no surprise that one of my favorite places in the whole wide world is Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, Oregon. Anytime I find myself in Portland for either work or leisure, I try to carve out just a little bit of time to go to Powell’s.

To be fair, anywhere I go, I somehow end up in a bookstore whether I plan it or not. And, without fail, I will find myself in the cooking section of said bookstore because my addiction to books most vividly manifests itself in my cookbook collection. Cookbooks are my favorite souvenirs. To me, the best way to remind yourself about a place, its people, and its culture, is through its food.

I have spent a lot of time in the Pacific Northwest during my lifetime, so I don’t need more souvenirs when I visit. But, I almost always find something new at Powell’s. One of my best finds was a book by Naomi Tomky called The Pacific Northwest Seafood Cookbook. The title of the book sounds pretty straightforward. But, it is an excellent collection of recipes that teaches the reader some interesting ways of cooking the amazing variety of fish and shellfish that come from the waters off of the coast of Washington and Oregon.

One of my favorites is this Salmon Chowder which is super easy to make for a midweek dinner. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a clam chowder that has substituted the salmon. This recipe is more of a very fish-forward, thick stew with great flavors that will transport you north.

Salmon Chowder Recipe
Yields 2 to 4 servings
Adapted from The Pacific Northwest Seafood Cookbook by Naomi Tomky Read more…

Snapdragon Pho Bowls

Photo of Snapdragon Pho Bowls with lime, chile crunch and basil

Your new favorite instant noodles.
This slurpable treat is delicious for any on-the-go meal, even breakfast. For an instant soup, Snapdragon Pho Bowls exceed expectations and are filled with the best stuff. (They taste expensive!) These light but filling bowls are wonderful as they are or Read more…