Barlovento Chocolates

Barlovento Chocolate BarsUnpretentious chocolates that taste so much better.
We absolutely love Barlovento chocolates and think you will, too. They are silky, smooth, perfectly balanced in flavor, and of absolutely outstanding quality, They just might become your new favorite indulgence!

They only use Venezuelan Read more…

Stock Options Premium Stocks and Demi-Glacés

Stock Options Premium Stocks and Demi-GlacésMade by chefs for chefs.
Stock Options stocks are a game-changer. No longer is there a tremendous difference between home-made stock that you might happen to have in the freezer and what you can grab at the store. They are fresh, and delicious, and can change the way you cook. Read more…

Rancho Llano Secco

Rancho Llano SeccoA taste is worth a thousand words.
Our love of local and sustainably-sourced food has inspired us to begin carrying Rancho Llano Seco Pork this month. This is pork like we have never tasted. Llano Seco has created a sense of place an terroir that is unique in the U.S. Read more…

RoastCo Coffee

RoastCo CoffeeWe love RoastCo—they make some of the best coffee we’ve tasted.
Their expertly-roasted beans are perfected in small batches using a vintage PROBAT, a German-made roaster from the 1960s.

They source their sustainably-grown beans from organic, shade grown, and fair trade Read more…