Stone Fruit Summer Salad

A photo of a bowl of Stone Fruit Summer Salad

Senior Salad
My daughter is graduating from high school this week. It goes without saying, that a lot is happening in our household. There have been awards dinners, championship softball games, the final this, and the final that. All of which leads up to the grand finale of the Graduation Ceremony.

The whirlwind doesn’t end there though. What comes next is a weekend of party hopping from house to house to celebrate not only your kid but all of the others who spent hours in your living room and backyard and who are for all intents and privileges, your family too.

So, when asked to bring something to said soirees, I immediately thought of this Stone Fruit Summer Salad that we talked about before. Stone fruits are just now coming into the market and are the perfect way to celebrate the season and your graduates.

Feel free to mix it up with the fruit you choose. The cherries are good right now and add a nice pop of color alongside some sweet fleshy apricots or peaches.

If I am making this for just my family, I will add some toasted pecans, or hazelnuts, or whatever you prefer for some crunch. (I leave them out for big gatherings to avoid problems with nut allergies.)

And even if you aren’t celebrating a graduate, this salad makes for a lovely warm summer evening meal.

Stone Fruit Summer Salad
Adapted from Joanne Weir’s More Cooking in Wine Country
Yields 6 servings

For the dressing
1 cup fruity Gewurztraminer or Sauvignon Blanc
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon hazelnut oil
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon shallot, minced fine
salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the salad
1/2 cup glazed spiced pecans
2 ripe peaches, fresh or grilled
1 ripe plum or pluot (optional)
1 cup pitted ripe cherries (optional)
4 cups arugula
4 cups spinach

Make the dressing
Reduce the wine over high heat until only 2 tablespoons remain (about 2 to 4 minutes). Pour the reduced wine into a small bowl, and add the vinegar, hazelnut oil, olive oil, and shallots. Whisk the ingredients together, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Assemble the salad
Just before serving, cut the fruits into 3/8-inch wedges. Toss the salad greens with the fruit, pecans, and vinaigrette.

Serve immediately.

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