Stone Fruit U-Pick

A basket of apricots for Stone Fruit U-Pick

Stone Fruit U-Pick Cherries and Apricots are ready!
And, there is more coming. The fruit is tasty and sweet. Now is a great time to head to Brentwood in Eastern Contra Costa County for U-Pick.

Harvest time in Brentwood is year-round, but this time of year is great—so, get out there and pick your own! Each farm is open for picking on different days, and it changes. So, the best way to find a farm is by visiting this webpage on the morning you want to go out. It has a drop-down menu that lists the farms by the type of produce they grow. Search for u-pick cherries and apricots.

Harvest Time is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to educating the general public and “foodies” about farming and its products while improving Agri-tourism education in Brentwood. Each year, they produce an educational farm trail map that directs you to more than 40 growers who sell directly to the consumer!

Other fruits are also available this time of year besides stone fruit u-pick. So, visit the Harvesttime website before going.

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