Super Bowl LVIII Appetizers

Super Bowl LVIII Appetizers photo of a football field

Planning a Super Bowl LVIII Party?
We have a great selection of appetizers for you to make for your guests or to choose one to contribute to a spread.

Spicy Baked Chicken Wings
Tanya Holland’s recipe is about perfect. The only thing I did to improve it was to marinate the wings in buttermilk before baking.

Korean Style Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken, or chicin, became popular in Korea because of American cultural influence around the Korean War. In South Korea, fried chicken is consumed as a meal, an appetizer, or as an after-meal snack.

Amy’s Teriyaki Chicken Thighs
There are plenty of good teriyaki marinades out there. But, lately, I have turned away from the super sweet ones. This Teriyaki recipe tastes more like the grilled chicken you get in Hawaii. It’s sweet but not corn syrup sweet.

Spiced Lamb Sliders with Harissa Mayonnaise and Cucumber
These these sliders are the bomb! They are the perfect finger food, and therefore they are perfect for your Super Bowl spread.

Chili con Queso
Fresh queso is a totally different experience. Real queso does not have that plasticky sheen and texture. Real queso is actually quite good and we bet that the loudest naysayers will be the same people who park themselves by the bowl and can’t stop eating it.

Amy’s Classic Cheese Ball
Cheese balls are great! You can make them with ingredients you already have in your fridge. And, you can customize them five weeks from Sunday.

Hot Cheezy Things
A favorite snack while watching football! We don’t have an actual recipe, so, just wing it. You really can’t screw them up—it’s cheese and mayo. What could go wrong? Feel free to add cheeses or change the type of cheese you use.

Amy’s Aram Sandwiches
What’s great about these sandwiches besides their versatility, is their convenience. Basically, it’s wrap, slice, and go. And, if you cut them small and arrange them artfully on a platter, they are perfect for company.

Savory Loaded Shortbread Cookies
Cheddar cheese, fresh chives, and bacon combine in this savory cookie. It takes full advantage of all the flavors of a stuffed baked potato by swapping a buttery shortbread base for the standard russet. They make a wonderful appetizer that is infinitely easier to manage than a baked potato.

Artichoke Dip Slab Pie
Our favorite artichoke is dip nestled in a delicious cream cheese pie crust. The filling is easy to prepare and completely vegetarian. The cream cheese dough is sturdy enough to hold the filling, but still flaky and tasty.

Cheese Straws
Cheese straws are not a new phenomenon. Ask any true Southerner and they will tell you a thing or two about cheese straws. This recipe makes a lot of Cheese Straws. And, that is perfect if you are hosting a party.

Whatever you end up making, enjoy this Sunday’s Super Bowl LVIII game!





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