Vietnamese Peach Relish

Vietnamese Peach Relish on grilled fish

Relish The Thought
I have a mango salsa that I love to make when we have grilled fish or, better yet—and more likely than not—fish tacos. It adapts this salsa recipe from Macademia-Crusted Yellowtail with Mango Papaya Salsa. Except, I leave out the papaya and double the mango. Nothing against papaya per se. But, I find it is too soft for my taste in a salsa. (That’s just me.)

As much as I dig my usual, it is never a bad idea to broaden your horizons and try something different. And, with the fresh peaches and nectarines coming into the market, I felt inspired. So, I tried something outside my norm. And, I think I have found a new favorite.

Peach Salsa is not a new concept, but this relish recipe is new to me, at least. And, it is less south of the border and definitely more Southeast Asia. This opens up a whole range of possibilities from grilled salmon to Halibut steamed in banana leaves. (Not that I always have banana leaves at hand, but a girl can dream. Don’t harsh my vibe, man…)

I like the funkiness that the fish sauce lends to it, and I am curious to see if a little lemongrass would work too…maybe next time.

This relish screams hot summer nights by the pool with some grilled shrimp skewers and a cold glass of white wine…though you could never go wrong with a Mai Tai if you’re feeling tropical.

Vietnamese Peach Relish Recipe
Adapted from Food and Wine
Yields 3 cups 

1 garlic clove
1 serrano chile or jalapeño
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
3 tablespoons Asian fish sauce
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
3 firm, ripe medium peaches
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons chopped mint

Prep the ingredients
Mince the garlic; seed and mince the hot peppers; peel and finely dice the peaches; and chop the cilantro and mint.

Make the salsa
In a mortar (or using a mini food processor), pound the garlic and chile with the brown sugar until a paste forms. Stir in the fish sauce, lime juice, and 2 tablespoons of water.

Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl and stir in the peaches, cilantro, and mint.

Serve with grilled fish

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