Clover Sonoma Butter

Clover Sonoma ButterCreamy goodness
Clover Sonoma butter is made with high-quality organic cream, straight from Northern California family-owned dairy farms. It is churned locally in small batches by skilled butter makers and they have spent decades perfecting it. Rich, creamy, and delicious Read more…

Deli Hot Bar

Deli Hot BarThis week’s staff pick is our Deli Hot Bar — because who has the bandwidth to cook on the day after Thanksgiving?

Stop by the store while you are out doing your local holiday shopping and grab a hot lunch or pick up a ready-made dinner.

Nothing beats having someone else do the Read more…

Fresh Cranberries

Fresh CranberriesYou can tell the holidays are around the corner, not because of the conflicting Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations, but because fresh cranberries have arrived in the produce aisle.

Cranberry sauce, an indispensable item on traditional Thanksgiving menus, is delicious and quick to make Read more…